The #SnookMeme Competition (first of many) starts today, July 28th, 12:00 PM CET, ends Monday, August 3rd, 12:00 PM CET.

- Create the best Snook themed Meme (Feel free to use graphic assets found in this folder)
- Tweet it [see Format below]
- Submit it in our designated form [See Submission Form below]
- Push it so it goes viral
You can also participate by reacting or retweeting other people’s submissions, in which case if you are eligible (see below Eligibility) you will be included in 7 additional $50 raffle prizes.
- Only Snook community members, i.e., people that are members of Snook’s Discord channel and that follow Snook Twitter can participate (either by posting content or by reacting to it). Of course, people that are not eligible for participation may still post and react, but they cannot win, they will not be eligible for participation reward raffle and their social reactions will not be counted in the tallying of the scores.
- Each person/user can submit up to 3 pieces of content.
- Content that does not adhere to the format (See Format below), or that does not adhere with Twitter community rules, or that is offensive, or not related to the competition’s theme (i.e., not a meme) may be rejected at Snook’s discretion
When tweeting your meme, your tweet must:
- Start with: “For Snook’s Meme competition”
- Tag: @Playsnook_com
- Hashtags (usually in the end of your tweet): #Snook #NFTgaming #SnookMeme
Submission Form
Please use this link for submission
The #SnookMeme Competition (first of many) starts today, July 28th, 12:00 PM CET, ends Monday, August 3rd, 12:00 PM CET.
- 1st place — $250 USDC
- 2nd place — $150 USDC
- 3rd place — $100 USDC
- Participation raffle — from all eligible community members who reacted and retweeted, 7 people will be selected at random and will win $50 USDC each.
- Out of all the submissions, the Snook team will select 20, and draw the winners at random.
- Winners will be announced on Twitter, within 48 hours from the close of the submission form (5th August 18:00 PM latest)
- Participants can challenge the decision by emailing us at: